Our story runs parallel to the story of the extraordinary development of the media in the 20th century, and to the story of the Church in this period. The Daughters of St Paul began in Northern Italy in 1915, when Fr Alberione first gathered around him a small group of young women and girls whom he prepared to carry out the printing apostolate. He asked Sr Thecla Merlo to be our first Superior General. The faith and guidance of these two remarkable leaders provided the firm foundations of our Order, allowing it grow from strength to strength over the following decades.
Our beginnings were humble. We started out by printing and distributing Bibles and catechisms in a time when the Bible was not well known, nor its prayerful study encouraged among Catholics. The editorial and publishing aspect of our ministry quickly developed and soon afterwards our radio ministry evolved. In time we opened Book Centres so that people could easily find good Christian reading material and resources for their spiritual hunger.
The criteria for choice of content were always made with the view to promote the human and spiritual growth of the person. In the early 1930s the Sisters began to move out from Italy so that, following the example of St Paul, we could continue our mission in every corner of the Earth. Today, our Sisters can be found on every continent and in 50 different countries. This international aspect of our Order encourages a great love and respect for the diversity among cultures, with an emphasis on inculturation.
Over the years, our ministry has continued to develop and change as society has also
changed. Our Founder encouraged us to learn and make use of the new forms of media as they emerged. This spirit of change and adaptability is essential to the character of the Daughters of St Paul. It gives us a positive outlook on the future and the courage to welcome the challenge of speaking about God in new ways to the people of each new generation.